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Ages & Information

Explore Our Rooms



0-1 year olds


1-2 year olds


2-3 year olds


3-4 year olds


4-5 year olds
Our Rooms

Bush Kinder

Our Bush Kinder program promotes wonder and intrigue through the discovery of our natural world. As educators, we aim to provide children with the best opportunity to explore the world around them through touch, feel, hearing and seeing – having the chance to engage all their senses. Through regular discovery walks in our centre surrounds, children are invited to engage in a variety of outdoor activities.

Outdoor discovery-based activities allow the opportunity for students to develop gross motor skills as they search for bugs and insects and look for patterns in the natural environment. Children are given time to enjoy running in wide-open spaces and practice inquisitive learning by looking for naturally found patterns in nature, building and creating with the resources around them and working collaboratively with peers to gather and learn together. Our Bush Kinder program is a part of the learning for all ages of our centre as we see great value in allowing children the opportunity to explore their natural environment.

Our Rooms

Kids That Are School-Ready

We want to give your child the best step into school and life beyond our centre. Preparing your child from an early age to be an avid learner is what sets apart our centre as more than just childminding. Using a creative and inquisitive curriculum, our centre educators work to develop the whole of your child (socially, emotionally, cognitively, and physically) during their time at Valley Village Early Learning.

Come Visit Our Early Learning Centre in Maitland Today. We Can't Wait To Meet You.